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Godaddy- Online platform and website design

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, numquam omnis itaque officia magni nisi ullam minima, sed molestiae cum facilis ipsam voluptatum expedita esse odit vero? Porro, aliquam voluptate.

Fuga tenetur repellendus ipsam corporis dicta nesciunt similique deserunt alias inventore tempore, pariatur odit aut, quasi delectus? Nam repellendus molestias possimus, totam blanditiis mollitia, consequatur, rem ratione voluptatum perspiciatis maxime nulla ut aliquid officia fugit consequuntur quia libero magnam! Obcaecati laudantium voluptatibus itaque voluptatem omnis. Numquam eveniet voluptas quibusdam blanditiis, quia eaque, molestiae libero, laboriosam tempora provident neque! Eligendi nostrum aut reprehenderit! Quod quo, repellat libero cum earum dolor illum dolorem, reiciendis expedita, ea itaque sunt numquam sit?

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Mark Design

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, numquam omnis itaque officia magni nisi ullam minima, sed molestiae cum facilis ipsam voluptatum expedita esse odit vero? Porro, aliquam voluptate.

Fuga tenetur repellendus ipsam corporis dicta nesciunt similique deserunt alias inventore tempore, pariatur odit aut, quasi delectus? Nam repellendus molestias possimus, totam blanditiis mollitia, consequatur, rem ratione voluptatum perspiciatis maxime nulla ut aliquid officia fugit consequuntur quia libero magnam! Obcaecati laudantium voluptatibus itaque voluptatem omnis. Numquam eveniet voluptas quibusdam blanditiis, quia eaque, molestiae libero, laboriosam tempora provident neque! Eligendi nostrum aut reprehenderit! Quod quo, repellat libero cum earum dolor illum dolorem, reiciendis expedita, ea itaque sunt numquam sit?

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Abstrak Agency

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, numquam omnis itaque officia magni nisi ullam minima, sed molestiae cum facilis ipsam voluptatum expedita esse odit vero? Porro, aliquam voluptate.

Fuga tenetur repellendus ipsam corporis dicta nesciunt similique deserunt alias inventore tempore, pariatur odit aut, quasi delectus? Nam repellendus molestias possimus, totam blanditiis mollitia, consequatur, rem ratione voluptatum perspiciatis maxime nulla ut aliquid officia fugit consequuntur quia libero magnam! Obcaecati laudantium voluptatibus itaque voluptatem omnis. Numquam eveniet voluptas quibusdam blanditiis, quia eaque, molestiae libero, laboriosam tempora provident neque! Eligendi nostrum aut reprehenderit! Quod quo, repellat libero cum earum dolor illum dolorem, reiciendis expedita, ea itaque sunt numquam sit?

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Archi- Online platform

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, numquam omnis itaque officia magni nisi ullam minima, sed molestiae cum facilis ipsam voluptatum expedita esse odit vero? Porro, aliquam voluptate.

Fuga tenetur repellendus ipsam corporis dicta nesciunt similique deserunt alias inventore tempore, pariatur odit aut, quasi delectus? Nam repellendus molestias possimus, totam blanditiis mollitia, consequatur, rem ratione voluptatum perspiciatis maxime nulla ut aliquid officia fugit consequuntur quia libero magnam! Obcaecati laudantium voluptatibus itaque voluptatem omnis. Numquam eveniet voluptas quibusdam blanditiis, quia eaque, molestiae libero, laboriosam tempora provident neque! Eligendi nostrum aut reprehenderit! Quod quo, repellat libero cum earum dolor illum dolorem, reiciendis expedita, ea itaque sunt numquam sit?

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WordPress theme

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, numquam omnis itaque officia magni nisi ullam minima, sed molestiae cum facilis ipsam voluptatum expedita esse odit vero? Porro, aliquam voluptate.

Fuga tenetur repellendus ipsam corporis dicta nesciunt similique deserunt alias inventore tempore, pariatur odit aut, quasi delectus? Nam repellendus molestias possimus, totam blanditiis mollitia, consequatur, rem ratione voluptatum perspiciatis maxime nulla ut aliquid officia fugit consequuntur quia libero magnam! Obcaecati laudantium voluptatibus itaque voluptatem omnis. Numquam eveniet voluptas quibusdam blanditiis, quia eaque, molestiae libero, laboriosam tempora provident neque! Eligendi nostrum aut reprehenderit! Quod quo, repellat libero cum earum dolor illum dolorem, reiciendis expedita, ea itaque sunt numquam sit?


From getting started

Nulla facilisi. Nullam in magna id dolor blandit rutrum eget vulputate augue sed eu leo eget risus imperdiet.

Donec metus lorem, vulputate at sapien sit amet, auctor iaculis lorem. In vel hendrerit nisi. Vestibulum eget risus velit.

Martha Maldonado Executive Chairman

Donec metus lorem, vulputate at sapien sit amet, auctor iaculis lorem. In vel hendrerit nisi. Vestibulum eget risus velit.

Savannah Nguyen Executive Chairman

Donec metus lorem, vulputate at sapien sit amet, auctor iaculis lorem. In vel hendrerit nisi. Vestibulum eget risus velit.

Floyd Miles Executive Chairman
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Facebook-ads-Vs-Google-ads Facebook-ads-Vs-Google-ads
What Is the Difference Between Facebook Advertising and Google AdWords

Overview Facebook Ads and Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, are two hugely massive giants in the world of

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Facebook Ads and Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, are two hugely massive giants in the world of digital marketing. Both follow a pay-per-click concept, where businesses can reach their target audience to make advertisements for selling on various websites. Even though they share various similarities, they are drastically different in terms of working, targeting, ad formats, budgets, and success measuring. This article serves to subtly explain all the nuances of Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads, thus really helping businesses make their decisions on advertising strategies.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a robust platform for businesses to reach their target customers. It allows an advertiser to bid on key words, ensuring that their ads appear whenever users search for such words with Google. Such a platform will be very ideal for businesses targeting users who are actively in search of products or services like theirs. With Google Ads, businesses get to do the following:

  • Show up at the top of SERPs, therefore increasing awareness
  • Drive website traffic and generate leads
  • Through targeting of users on specific keywords and demographics
  • Measure success through conversions, such as form submissions, calls, and purchases.

What is Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads is an extremely popular platform used by businesses to reach their target audience through paid social advertisements. It offers different targeting facilities on demographics, interests, behaviors, and so much more. Facebook Ads will be the perfect avenue for any business desiring to:

  • Build brand awareness and increase reach.
  • Drive traffic to your website, get leads.
  • Target users based on specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Measure success by means of the engagement metrics, which include likes, shares, and comments.

Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads: A Breakdown

Paid Search vs. Paid Social

This is foundational to understanding the difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Google Ads should, more accurately, be described as paid search users who are motivated and issuing a request for products or services, whereas Facebook Ads are based on paid social targeting users via demographic, interest, and behavioral segmentation.

Paid search advertising is an ideal way to reach users who are actively looking for similar products or services to the business. Such an approach is usually termed “pull marketing” since, in such a scenario, the users can pull the required information towards themselves.

Paid social advertising, such as Facebook Ads, works best for businesses seeking brand awareness and website traffic. That approach might be identified as “push marketing”: Business pushes its message to users, who may not necessarily be in search of products or services like ones a business has.


Again, while Google Ads targets users based on keywords, Facebook Ads does so on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Google Ads will work well for those businesses targeting users who are actively searching for products or services like theirs. Facebook Ads are best used for building brand awareness or driving website traffic.

The targeting options in Google Ads include the following:

  • Keyword targeting: This targets users by precise keywords and terms.
  • Location targeting: This refers to the targeting of users based on their location.
  • Language targeting: This involves targeting users based on the language they use.
  • Device targeting: Based on the device type, target users.

Some other options included in Facebook Ads targeting include:

  • Demographic targeting: This targets user based on their age, gender, location, and so much more.
  • Interest targeting: Interest targeting shows an ad to people who have expressed interests or likes in specific topics like your product or service.
  • Behavioral targeting: Shows ads to people, based on their actual behavior and actions.
  • Lookalike targeting: Shows ads to people who are like existing customers/followers.

Ad Format

Google Ads is text-based, while Facebook Ads are much more image-and-video-based—besides other ad carousels. Google Ads would be the best for businesses looking towards conversion, and Facebook Ads is a great choice when it comes to brand awareness.

Google Ads ad formats include:

  • Text ads: It will allow you to create ads with a headline, description, and URL in purely text form.
  • Shopping ads: These include product-based ads that contain images, price, and reviews.
  • Video ads: These are video display ads, optionally with sound and vision

Facebook Ads ad formats include:

  • Image ads: Image based adverts with a headline, text and call-to-action
  • Video ads: video-based adverts with sound and vision
  • Carousel ads: Multiple images or cards shown in one ad
  • Collection ads: A collection of products or images in one ad


Google Ads and Facebook Ads are both PPC, but paid search in Google Ads is often highly competitive, so it’s usually pricier. Facebook Ads give advanced options while setting budgets and hence is ideal if your business budget is strained.

Budgeting options available in Google Ads:

  • CPC Bidding: Setting a maximum bid for each click.
  • CPM bidding: This involves setting a maximum bid for every 1,000 impressions one wants to buy.
  • Daily budgeting: Setting a budget per day for spending.

Budgeting options available on Facebook Ads include:

  • Cost-per-click bidding: This involves setting a maximum bid for each click.
  • Cost-per-thousand impressions bidding: Set a maximum bid for every 1,000 impressions.
  • Daily budgeting: Set a daily budget for ad spending.
  • Lifetime budgeting: Total budget one sets for the ad campaign.

Measuring Success

Google Ads success is measured on conversions, which can be form completions, phone calls, purchases, etc. Facebook Ads measures success based on engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments.

Some of the metrics in Google Ads include;

  • Conversion rate: percentage of users who complete a desired action.
  • Cost-per-conversion: cost of each conversion.
  • Return on ad spend: Revenue generated by every ad spent.

Some of the metrics in Facebook Ads include;

  • Reach: Number of users who viewed the ad
  • Impressions: How many times has the ad been on display
  • Engagement rate: what percentage of the audience has engaged with the ad
  • Cost-per-engagement: cost per engagement

Using Both Facebook Ads and Google Ads

Running campaigns in both Facebook and Google Ads can be potent in business. On one hand, Facebook Ads are building brand awareness; on the other, Google Ads will retarget users who are looking for exactly what is being offered. This means getting the largest reach while geared towards driving conversions by running campaigns in both platforms synchronically.

Benefits of Running Both

  • Increased reach: more users across search and social platforms.
  • Better brand awareness: Drive brand awareness with Facebook Ads and retarget users with Google Ads.
  • Increased targeting: Facebook Ads users can focus on demographics, interests, and behaviors, while Google Ads users can target based on keywords and searching behavior.
  • Better method of measurement: Track both the volume of conversions, along with engagement metrics, from both platforms for a complete view of campaign performance.

Challenges of Running both Platforms

One major challenge of running both Facebook Ads and Google Ads is to globalize data so that telling a complete story about campaign performance is possible. Easily having reports on both platforms, for appropriate campaign management, becomes an operational challenge for agencies.

Best Practices to Leverage Both Platforms

  • Set clear objectives for each platform.
  • Implement consistent branding and messaging across both platforms.
  • Use Facebook Ads, which focuses on the user’s behavior and demographics, and Google Ads, based on his search behavior.
  • Monitor and optimize campaigns for better ROI regularly.


So, two giant platforms, including Facebook Ads and Google Ads, help businesses to reach out to the potential audience and drive conversions—with the similarity lying only in the differences based on targeting, ad formats, budgeting, and measurement of success. The dissimilarities of Facebook Ads to Google Ads bring about understanding that helps a business make an informed decision when to use the platform and how much returns to expect from maximization. Using both platforms will help a business increase its outreach, leading to better brand awareness and conversions.

Critical Mistakes to Avoid During Ecommerce Website Development 

Overview Developing an e-commerce website is a heavy task and needs a lot of planning at each step to get

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Developing an e-commerce website is a heavy task and needs a lot of planning at each step to get it right. If you genuinely want your online business to excel and offer your users a perfect shopping experience, you wouldn’t want to commit these common e-commerce mistakes that could make or break your online business. Here, we will deal with the 10 deadly sins of e-commerce website development and their solutions, which will help you avoid this pitfall.

Ignoring Mobile Optimization

Mistake: You are killing your e-commerce website by not considering the need to optimize it for mobile. Many shoppers do it on their mobile devices, so a site that doesn’t respond or is poorly optimized can make the bounce rate skyrocket. According to Google, 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a site takes longer than three seconds to load.

Solution: Build an e-commerce website keeping ‘mobile-first’ in mind. Ensure that your site provides the following: responsive mobile experience and functionality on all devices, optimized images, person-friendly navigation by mobile, and a decrease in content to give users an excellent experience.

Complex Checkout Processes

Mistake: Lengthy and complicated checkout methods rebuff the user to or will result in cart abandonment. Any interested customer who is ready to follow through will be turned off immediately by unclear processes, many form fields, and steps. According to Baymard Institute, the average rate of cart abandonment is around 69.57%.

Solution: Want to make this checkout process easy and smooth? Well, if possible, then opt for one-page checkout, reduce form fields, and add guest checkout options. This is definitely going to reduce friction and help customers finish the purchase with no hassle.

Insufficient Security Measures

Mistake: Not taking care of the security factor is one major mistake or blunder an e-commerce business makes. Customers want to be assured that their details, whether personal or financial, are well-protected. In the absence of such security safeguards, it can turn off greatly and may result in loss of customers. Indeed, in a study by Ponemon Institute, 71% of consumers said they would avoid doing business with any company that had a data breach.

Solution: Integrate secure transactions with SSL certificates, payment gateways having credibility, and compliance according to industrial standards in securing data. Keep updating your website regularly with patches against any vulnerabilities so that you remain safe from cyber-attacks.

Poor Descriptions and Images of the Product

Mistake: Scant or missing product details and inferior images will turn away customers. When online, users more than likely will turn to the product details and images of their desired product. With this fact in mind, a study from Salsify finds that 87 percent consider product content very important or extremely important.

Solution: Customers should be given detailed, informative, and persuasive descriptions including features of the product, its benefits, and USPs. Also, high-resolution images from a different angle and customer ratings could be given to add authenticity.

Lack of Intuitive Navigation

Mistake: If your website is hard for customers to navigate and find what they are looking for, they will turn their back. Such a situation must have an adverse impact on the general user experience. This might bring about a very high bounce rate. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, users stay on a page, on average, for 10-20 seconds before making a decision to leave or hang around.

Solution: Build clean and self-explanatory navigation menus that will never leave the user wondering where to head to get what they want. Use categories, filters, and search facilities giving a fast route to finding a product. Put some effort into enhancing the user journey from when they land on the website to placing an order.

Ignoring Loading Speed Optimization

Mistake: Really slow-loading pages infuriate users and hurt rankings. People on the internet move fast; they want information and products at their fingertips in an instant. According to Google, an additional second in page load time can mean a 7% decrease in conversions.

Solution: In-line images should be optimized; browser caching, enabled; and a good hosting infrastructure, developed, so that pages have loading within the recommended timeframe. Keep monitoring and optimizing regularly to ensure that the user experience is at its best.

Not Having Mobile Payment Options

Mistake: Not having a diversified set of payment options with increased usage of mobile payments can narrow down your customer base. The constrained modes of payments can cause lost sales and revenues. In one study by PayPal, 45 percent of online shoppers have abandoned a purchase due to their preferred method of payment not being available.

Solution: Add several payment options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal, which are probably the most known mobile payment methods. Make sure that your e-commerce platform supports many payment gateways to be able to catch various customers’ preferences.

Inadequate Filtering and Sorting

Mistake: This occurs when the website does not provide adequate filtering or sorting options for their products, making it difficult for the user to find what they want.

Solution: Build an interface into which to integrate this power of filtering and sorting, and provide the quickest way for the user to narrow down their search results according to category, price, brand, or any other tool that applies to the applied search. This will be to your advantage regarding user experience and subsequently creates more opportunities to actualize your conversion potential.

Lack of Trust Indicators

Mistake: If you do not build trust with your prospects, there will be no conversions. Users want to make the sale and be sure that they are using a website that is reliable and safe.

Solution: Add touch points for credibility through trust indicators around things like security badges, customer reviews, ratings, general industry certifications, any type of awards, or recognition in order to instill trust with potential customers.

Insufficient Customer Support

Mistake: Upset customers will write negative feedback and, in time, lose business. When there is an issue or customers have a question, they want to feel that support they are getting is prompt and effective.

Solution: Provide a solution that involves multiple channels of customer support: phone, email, live chat, social media. Ensure the knowledge, responsiveness, and empowerment of the support agents to resolve issues efficiently. Create an enriched FAQ area and knowledge base for users to find quick answers to common queries.

Further Tips for E-commerce Success

As if avoiding the tips mentioned above were not enough, here are some additional tips that will help you to succeed with your e-commerce store:

  • Personalize the User Experience: Use data and analytics to personalize the product recommendations, offers, and content shown to users based on individual usage.
  • Use Social Proof: Customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials will help instill confidence and credibility in prospective customers.
  • Search engine optimization: SEO rank high on search so as to yield maximum visibility, drive organic traffic, and improve conversions.
  • Test and optimize: Test and optimize the layout say design and functionalities of the website repeatedly to ensure an enhanced user experience and improvement in conversions.


By avoiding these 10 deadly sins of e-commerce website development, you can create a seamless online shopping experience that drives conversions, builds loyalty, and exceeds customer expectations. Remember, a well-designed and user-friendly e-commerce website is crucial for building trust, increasing conversions, and driving revenue.

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